Monday, September 22, 2008

People who ruin other people's songs

I Fucking Hate these People....especially because they dare to call themselves artists.

It's usually some douchebag rapper thats stealing somebody else's creative work but the theif of the year award may just go to dirty ass Kid "Hepatitis K" Rock.

This son of a bitch managed to steal two great classic rock songs, fuckin' ruin both of them, and make high school kids think he wrote music.

Maybe I'm must take at least some talent to ruin two classics simultaneously. Maybe the talent I look for in musicians isn't what's necessary to make it in the music world. I guess expecting people to play instruments...or write music...or you know, normal musician stuff, shouldn't be expected anymore.

I would love for the rest of the world to join me in ridiculing these people until they disappear from the music scene. Perhaps the worst offenders are Puffy and the like, but killing Werewolves of London and Sweet Home Alabama almost made me have an aneurysm.

People who ruin other people's songs....I hate you.