Tuesday, November 25, 2008

People Who Need to Look at the Menu at the Chinese Restaurant

God I hate these people.....You really have to be some kind of moron to not know what you want to order at a Chinese Restaurant.

If you are in the mood for Chinese food, you know what you want before you even go in....what the fuck is the point of seeing a menu?!? Is there magically going to be some new dishes on the menu or is it the same fucking dishes you've been looking at since you were a child. Chances are you order one of the same 4 or 5 different dishes you always get, all of which are at every single Chinese Restaurant.

Instead, the waiter/waitress comes to take your order and you're still reviewing the menu while he's/she's standing there tapping their feet and looking at you like you're retarded....there's a reason they think you're stupid...it's because you are.

When was the last time you had the special at a Chinese Restaurant? I'm going to guess never because they don't exist. Even more of a reason to know what you want when you go in there....same shit, different day....Stop wasting everybody's time! Chinese restaurants shouldn't even HAVE menus except to look at the price....and even then you can pretty much guess within a dollar.

The bottom line is, when the menu never changes, and you always choose the same things anyway, and THE MENU NEVER FUCKING CHANGES....you should know what you want before you walk through the door...people who need to look at the menu at Chinese Restaurants, I hate you.

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