Sunday, May 18, 2008


Welcome. In order to help keep my sanity and the sanity of those surrounding me, I've decided to write about things that I cant stand and things that annoy me. That is the sole purpose of my blog. I will be writing about things that annoy me as they occur and jump into my head. I would also be open to suggestion as I often forget things that annoy me when I swallow it down and don't scream in these peoples faces like I would like. With any luck, writing out my thoughts on the matter will help me prevent a brain tumor, aneurysm, stroke, etc.

Happy Hating!


  1. Good post. Good post nonetheless. I think you can improve your rhetoric though. Your first three paragraphs focus on the same exact ideas with different words.

    I think you can improve by elaborating on your theme. Focus on what will happen if people continue to do this, or talk about other examples of duchebags that wear clothing in this foolish manner. Get creative, reference pop culture, and make this post more identifiable to the reader.

    I like the creativity though.

  2. I think you rock! But you haven't posted anything in a few months. What up? You don't hate people anymore?? Come on, I miss you and need something to read!

  3. Not sure if you get these comments. Thought I just posted something but I guess I didn't. Where ya been?? I think you rock and are hilarious! But it's time for more posts. It's been a few months. No more hate inside you?? I miss reading your blogs. Come on, make a girl laugh would ya....could ya?
