Wednesday, February 4, 2009

People who are Unknowingly Racist

That's right bitch...Shhhhhhhhhhhut the fuck up before you make yourself look any dumber. Lil Mama is just my focal piece of a larger problem...people who are unknowingly racist.

So last night on America's Best Dance Crew (that's right...I watch it...and the show is freakin awesome), the retard above said something that made my brain hurt. She basically gave props to an all black crew from Brooklyn for not being criminals....yea...seriously. And just so you don't think I heard it wrong, I'm going to publish her exact quote:

"I think ya'll are great, and just to let the world know why I go hard for ya'll is because young dudes that ya age that's back home (Brooklyn) robbin' and stealin' and doin anything it takes to take the top spot on the block and I respect the fact that ya got together and ya came here and ya doin your numbers for real. I just wanna let ya'll know that I really respect ya'll."

So basically, Lil Mama is very impressed that these guys managed to choose something other than committing crimes to spend their days, and thats why she roots for them more than just for their dancing.

Not to take away from their dancing at all, because they're really good, but shouldn't we be surprised when people START committing crimes instead of when they don't?? Call me crazy, but I don't expect all young black men from Brooklyn to become criminals....and there is something inherently racist when you do...and especially stupid when you're saying it as a compliment.

Lil Mama, you are officially a stupid racist. Your main claim to fame before this show is a song called "Chicken Noodle Soup" that has 9 different words in it. Stick to what you know. You're definitely not the only unknowingly racist person in the world, but you're definitely the most recent in my mind. People who are unknowingly racist, you suck ass and I hate you.

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible that you might be reading too much in to that comment? She doesn't say or imply that it has anything to do with the fact that they're *black* men. Just that they're from Brooklyn. It could of course be argued that the race thing is implied, but she could just as well be saying (and the way I interpret it) that she's impressed that people from such a low socioeconomic environment have managed to "be successful," so to speak.
