Wednesday, February 10, 2010

People who Abbreviate their First Names

What a bunch of pretentious cocksuckers...I don't know about you, but I cringe every time I see one of these signs on the road.

Where do these people get off abbreviating their first names? I thought everybody was on board with Joeseph being shortened to Joe, and Thomas being shortened to Tom. Where the fuck did "Jos." and "Thos." come from? Perfectly good, natural nicknames being cast aside to look like a dickhead.

When I think of the type of person that goes by Jos. or Thos., he is either from the 1800's wearing a tailed tuxedo with a top hat, or some preppy douchebag at a country club and is probably named Jos. Dicklicker "III" or "IV". The latter is probably wearing a Lacoste Polo with salmon colored pants and boat shoes.

These wannabe 18th century assholes have their noses in the air looking down at all the regular people like Joe and Tom. Well I'm not going to stand for that shit. When your name is Charles and you go by "Chas." it's time for you to kill yourself. Nobody is fooled into thinking you're classier than Chuck and Charlie. People who abbreviate your first need a time machine and I hate you.

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