Friday, June 27, 2008

Dickheads on Crotchrockets

Dumber people are hard to come by....

18-25 year old morons doing motorcycle tricks through traffic at 120 mph. Is getting laid once in a while for your bike worth being in a hospital for a year when you finally fall and crack your head open and shatter your limbs?

I don't think it is. These people must have no game at all. It's not that hard to get laid. Shit, even ugly people have sex with somebody.

I'm not talking about easy rider types like Choppers and Harleys....those are cool as fuck. I'm talking about these dickheads that are weaving in and out of traffic at 120, flying in between the lanes, and popping wheelies for half a mile through traffic.

Who the fuck are you trying to impress? At least show off for a crowd or something and then stop and chill with them...that might get you laid. You gonna get some digits on the highway?

My guess is these people have tiny dicks....most likely wanted a Hummer and couldn't afford it so they go with a little Ninja so they can feel some power between their legs.

This wasn't always my opinion though. Things changed a few weeks ago when I encountered a couple of dickheads on crotchrockets doing tricks down 270 during rush hour. I was cruising at about 85-90 when these guys come up along side me on my right. I always try to avoid these guys because if I sneeze or something and my car swerves and hits them I'll feel bad.

I was happy to see the car in front of them move aside so they could pass. Instead, they both fall back a little bit and come flying by popping wheelies like in the picture above. Cool, I thought for about 30 seconds until one of these dickheads cuts in front of me and slams on his breaks and I narrowly avoid hitting him. I go from 90 to about 40 and have the cars behind me almost hitting me. Then they speed off again doing wheelies over 100mph.

Again this asshole slams on his breaks in front of me when I finally get close again. I'm wondering, what the fuck is going on here? These guys speed like crazy and weave in and out of traffic like they have somewhere to be and then slam on the breaks. Then it finally hits me. They are making me slow down really hard and having me almost hit them, to create a buffer zone in front of them so they can do their tricks.

I had enough of that shit after the third time and after they sped off, I was right up their ass honking like crazy and screaming profanities with rage in my eyes. They would be wise not to pull that shit again unless they had a deathwish. Well, my little ploy worked and they got out of my general area.

I subscribe to the "Do what you want as long as you don't impede me" school of thought, and these two definitely encroached on my area. Maybe they're not all this bad, but my last three days in LA don't show otherwise. It would seem as though motorcyclists don't actually use lanes and instead just drive between the cars. Perhaps one day somebody who gets as pissed off as me will sacrifice their door to send a message to the baby dick community. But until then....Dickheads on Crotchrockets, I hate you.

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